Membership in The Order of Exorcists

Members of the Order are servants of our Lord Jesus Christ, where trained lead exorcist investigators do demonic investigation and case assessments and appointed clergy exorcists perform the rite of exorcism, with the archbishop’s approval.
There has been an increasing number of requests for demonic investigation, case assessment and rituals for exorcism.
To be approved for membership you must submit your resume showing your experience as lead paranormal investigator or clergy member who has been appointed as exorcist in their local bishops jurisdiction.
We recruit members via the internet, from around the world, after they have submitted their resume for membership approval.
Information for Experience Lead Investigator Recruits and Appointed Exorcist Clergy
Experienced Lead Paranormal Investigators are Wanted

Information for Experience Lead Paranormal Investigators
Experience as “lead” paranormal investigator is important in order to qualify for the training in our process of demonic investigation and assessment.
The Paranormal Candidate Must:
1. Have at least six (6) months experience as a lead paranormal investigator
2. Have his/her own team (three or more) paranormal investigators
3. Have a Christian belief system
4. Have a “real” deep desire to help people requesting our services
5. Willingness to learn our method of demonic investigation
6. Willing to take our directions regarding case assessments
7. Promote themselves publicly as members in our ministry of exorcism
8. Willingness to promote our services
9. Agree when possible, to take new or open assignments in your area
10. After working an assigned case, to submit all evidence, videos and assessment reports to the office of the presiding bishop and chief exorcist, Archbishop Ron Feyl
11. Agrees that all client (victim) information and case assessment is strictly confidential and not for online use or any other publication
12. Agrees not to do any rituals such as house cleansing, exorcisms, etc. without the permission of the chief exorcist Archbishop Ron Feyl
13. In our organization only appointed exorcist clergy members are authorized to do rituals.

Information for appointed exorcist clergy members
Our organization is “Traditional” Old Roman Catholic where our clergy members are from many Catholic jurisdictions. Our Independent Catholic jurisdiction is under the name The Sacred Order of Saint Michael the Archangel – Order of Exorcists.
To Qualify for Membership as Clergy Exorcist Member, You Must First:
1. Be “Traditional” Catholic Priest
2. Have been “appointed” as exorcist within your bishops jurisdiction
3. Have permission from your bishop to join our organization
4. Submit your resume with permission letter from your bishop and a copy of your ordination/consecration certificate
5. Submit your personal letter explaining your divine “calling” and commitment to the ministry of exorcism
6. Be willing to recruit your own investigation team
7. Agree not to do any rituals without permission from the chief exorcist, Archbishop Ron Feyl
8. Be willing to learn our process of demonic assessments
9. Be willing to accept new requested case assignments within your bishops jurisdiction
10. If you are the bishop in your jurisdiction you must agree to perform the ritual of exorcism or appoint one of your priest as exorcist for your jurisdiction
11. After you have submitted your resume for membership approval, you must be willing to pay the annual membership fee of $65.00 (which pays for your membership certificate, training materials, and postage)
12. Be willing to promote publicly our ministry of exorcism via your own website with our organization logo and link
13. Be willing to promote yourself and your ministry publicly, online