End Time Prophecy
Catholic Vocation: Videos from Sacred Order of St. Hilda
1. Increased capacity to make war through technology.
2. Widespread bloodshed between and within many nations.
3. A movement to conformity of religion worldwide.
4. Gross deviation from Bible teachings.
5. Appearance of a globally acclaimed religous leader.
6. Influence from eastern religions, the occult, astrology.
7. Expectation of peace, with no peace.
8. A viable Jewish State in Palestine.
9. A peace treaty in the Mid East.
10. Continuing overt hatred of Jews by Arabs.
11. The building of a place for sacrifice in Jerusalem.
12. The restoration of sacrificail worship in Jerusalem.
13. Military invasion of Israel by international forces.
14. Famines due to upset weather, wars, population pressure
15. Large-scale and life-threatening man-made pollution.
16. Economic decline and mega deaths because of disease.
17. Destructive natural convulsions: quakes, floods, fires.
18. Asteroids etc devastating huge areas of the earth.
19. The moral and economic decline of the nations.
20. Serious health problems in these nations.
21. And massive inner-city problems.
22. With decline in agricultural output.
23. A mass deportation of Jews from the land of Israel.
24. Unwise, weak and vacillating leadership in the democracies.
25. The appearance of a powerful and dynamic leader in Europe.
26. The neglect in the justice system.
27. Disrespect for the elderly, for parents and for the young.
28. Increased Ieisure/unemployment.
29. Notable corruption at all levels of society.
30. Homosexuality becomes high profile and influential.
31. Increased criminal activity including murder and assault.
32. A union of ten European nations.
33. The call for a strong leader to solve massive world problems.
34. International military co-operation.
35. A movement towards establishing a world government.
36. Europe, a vast international trading place.
37. A move towards an economically controlled society worldwide.
38. The growth of anti-Semitism.
39. Burgeoning scientific development and fast communications.
40. The rise of Islamic militancy.
41. Many claiming to be a Messiah.
42. Superficial religiosity without true religious substance.
43. The ability by mankind to destroy all life on earth.
44.Events in the skies.