
Archbishop Ron Feyl, SOSM

Sacred Order of St. Michael the Archangel

hqdefaultArchbishop Ron Feyl has a Catholic seminary education and a Ph.D. in psychology and sacred theology. His episcopal orders were conferred in 1979 by Archbishop Gregory Michael David Voris, who adheres to the faith of the Seven Ecumenical Councils and the Three Ecumenical Creeds. From the early 1980s, Archbishop Ron Feyl has been involved in a not-so-popular ministry called exorcism. He was trained by many exorcists over the years who were his mentors and former bishops.

His training to be an exorcist started with a Divine calling when he was 11. He was brought up as a Roman Catholic until he was introduced to the traditional pre-Vatican 2 Catholic Church. After he received Holy Orders, he requested from his jurisdictional Bishop that he was interested in the ministry of exorcism. He then assigned him to a mentor who was an experienced Exorcist, and he became the assistant Exorcist. His training as the assistant was four and a half years, and in 1980 he was appointed jurisdictional Exorcist. A year later, he was elected as Bishop-elect, then another year later, in 1982, he was consecrated as a Catholic bishop. In 1982 he created the Order of Exorcists under the Catholic jurisdiction of the Sacred Order of Saint Michael the Archangel. Today our organization is international, with Bishops and clergy in 24 countries worldwide

4-23-16 Archbishop Ron Feyl 1982With over 30 years of experience he established an Order of Exorcists within a nonprofit religious 501 (c)(3) organization called “The Sacred Order of Saint Michael the Archangel”.  As a Catholic priest for over 36 years, he has interacted with angels and demons. Archbishop Feyl has performed many religious services, such as last rites, house blessings and exorcism rituals. He is the Chief Exorcist for The Sacred Order of Saint Michael the Archangel. Archbishop Feyl devotes most of his time writing books, articles and investigating paranormal matters. He and members of the Order of Exorcists are available by appointment for demonic investigations, exorcisms, house blessings and other religious rituals. To learn more about Archbishop Feyl please click here.

The Order of Exorcists is a International Organization of Exorcists with members in 24 countries.ExorcistsLogo72dpi2pt5

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