Members Only Area
Welcome to the Members Only Page which includes infomation about joining our organzation as well as benefits of membership.

Dear Order of Exorcists Members,
Welcome to the Members Only page. This section is being created to provide information to you and you fellow clergy, investigators & members. We eventually hope to create a password only access system to this section of the site that will prevent non-members from accessing information & materials that are intended specifically for you. Additionally, we hope to add a blog, member specific materials & supplies, upcoming events, triumphs, new additions and other information that will be newsworthy to you. Please feel free to email us with any information about your SOSM organization, and we will consider posting it when we are able.
Thank you all for your support and prayers; we look forward to the year ahead with faith. hope and gratitude to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Order of Exorcists Headquarters, SOSM
Founded by Archbishop/Chief Exorcist Ronald Feyl Enright in 1982
The Order of Exorcists is an autonomous branch of the Catholic faith
Article 1: Name and Purpose:1.1: The name of this organization shall be the Order of Exorcists, “The 12 Chosen Ones”.1.2: The purpose of the Order is to fight against Satan, his minions, and his army and against evil in the world through Spiritual Warfare and Prayer Warriors.1.3: The Order shall be an autonomous branch of the Catholic faith and shall integrate and practice the essential principles of Roman Catholicism as practiced in the Ancient Old Roman Catholic Church of the 12th Century.1.4: The Order shall be under the auspices of the Sacred Order of St. Michael the Archangel.
Article 2: Membership:2.1: Membership shall be open to all Christians who have been baptized and who fulfill the requirements outlined in the admission criteria and who shall pledge to be obedient to the teachings of the Christian Faith.2.2: Members shall be of good character and possess a deep understanding of the principles of the Christian faith.2.3: Members shall be selected based on their qualifications, which shall be determined by a committee of the Board of Governors and the Chief Exorcist.2.4: Members must be able to perform Spiritual Warfare and be Prayer Warrior, which shall be determined by an examination by the Chief Exorcist.
Article 3: Officers:3.1: The officers of the Order shall consist of the Chief Exorcist, who shall be the presiding officer, a Vice Exorcist (Deputy Chief Exorcist/Second in Command), and a Secretary.3.2: The Chief Exorcist shall be appointed for life until he decides to retire by the Sacred Order of St. Michael the Archangel and shall have the power to administer the affairs of the Order and to perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Sacred Order of St. Michael the Archangel.3.3: The Vice Exorcist and the Secretary shall be appointed or elected by the Board of Governors.3.4: The Board of Governors shall consist of five (5) members of the Order, who shall be appointed or elected by the Chief Exorcist.
Article 4: Powers and Duties of the Officers:4.1: The Vice Exorcist shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the Chief Exorcist.4.2: The Secretary shall keep records of the proceedings of the Order and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chief Exorcist.4.3: The Board of Governors shall have the power to advise the Chief Exorcist on matters concerning the Order’s affairs and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chief Exorcist.

Article 5: The Twelve Apostles:5.1: The Order shall choose twelve (12) members from around the world who will be autonomous from each other and the world.5.2: Each Apostle shall carry out their mission as their jurisdiction expands to all corners of the world. These members will be Knighted.
Article 6: Investigation Teams:6.1: The Order shall have investigation teams to conduct initial investigations for paranormal activities.6.2: These teams shall include various professionals, such as nurses, psychologists, camera operators, and other necessary support personnel.6.3: Demonic profilers shall also be included in these investigation teams to assess and analyze demon possessions’ threat level and intensity.
Article 7: Exorcists:7.1: The Order shall appoint trained exorcists to perform the Rite of Exorcism per the Church’s Canon Law.7.2: These exorcists shall be chosen based on their morality, knowledge, experience, and the results they produce.
Article 8: Membership of Prayer Warriors and Spiritual Warriors:8.1: All Christians who have been baptized are welcome to join as prayer warriors, and those who have training in Spiritual Warfare.
Article 9: Meetings:9.1: The meetings of the Order shall be held during the Annual Conference, as determined by the Chief Exorcist.9.2: The Chief Exorcist shall have the authority to call special meetings as necessary.
Article 10: Amendments:10.1: This Constitution may be amended by two-thirds of the members at the Annual Conference.10.2: Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the Chief Exorcist at least sixty (60) days before the Annual Conference. This is the Order Constitution for the Order of Exorcists, “The 12 Chosen Ones,” incorporating all the additional amendments.